Gitarre & Bass 12/2019 Digital
INTERVIEWS: Steve Morse, Mando Diao, Whitesnake, Guido Donot +++ TEST: Fender American Ultra Stratocaster & Telecaster, Schecter Keith Merrow KM-7 MKIII Artist & Standard, BluGuitar Amp1 Iridium Pedalboard-Amp, Sandberg California SL TT4 Superlight, Warwick RockBass Idolmaker 5string3,70 €
Österreich: 3,70 € Schweiz: 4,10 CHF International: 3,70 €
Inkl. MwSt. | AGB
NEU! Metal Guitars: B.C. Rich Ironbird
- Whitesnake: Michael Devin & Joel Hoekstra
- Steve Morse: Teamplayer
- Mando Diao: Phönix aus der Asche
- Greg Mackintosh: Pradise Lost, Vallenfyre, Strigoi
- Carl Carlton & The Songdogs: „Ich bin kein Notist, eher Autist!“
- Airbourne: Stringshaker
- Guido Donot und Toni Loitsch: Gitarrensound Live
- Jeff Berlin: Systemkritiker
- TopGearCheck mit Mattias IA Eklundh
- Meilenstein 1997: Stevie Ray Vaughan And Double Trouble
gitarre // bass
- Fender American Ultra Stratocaster & Telecaster, E-Gitarren
- Schecter Keith Merrow KM-7 MKIII Artist & Standard,E-Gitarren
- Suhr Classic JM, E-Gitarre
- Rivolta Guitars by Dennis Fano Combinata XVII, E-Gitarre
- Schorr Guitars The Owl, E-Gitarre
- Cordoba Orchestra CE, Akustik-Gitarre
- Ibanez SR2405W Premium, E-Bass
- Sandberg California SL TT4 superlight, E-Bass
- Warwick RockBass Idolmaker 5string Bass
- Büttner Guitars Basti No.2, E-Bass
amp // box // fx // zubehör
- Rockboard Mod 5, IR-Modul fürs Pedalboard
- Walrus Audio Kangra, Fuzz-Pedal
- BluGuitar Amp1 Iridium, Gitarren-Amp
- Sound City Master Lead 50 Head & SC212 Cab, Git-Stack
- Phil Jones Bass Micro 7, Bass-Combo
- Darkglass Electronics Microtubes X Ultra, Bass-Preamp
- Danelectro The Eisenhower Fuzz und The Breakdown, FX-Pedals
- KMA Audio Machines Queequeg, Octaver-Pedal
- Electro-Harmonix Attack Decay, FX-Pedal
- Mooer CT-01 Clip Tuner
- JAM! KXM: Lightning
- JAM! Parcels: Tieduprightnow
- JAM! The Amazons: Mother
- Unbekannte Helden: Luca Benedetti – Roots Jazz mit Twang!
- Henrik Freischlader Band: Community Immunity
- The Art Of Bass! Bass Melodies – Slap Like Marcus Miller
- Parts Lounge: Gitarren-Setup-Tools – Teil 2
- Repair Talk: Frische Hardware für die Paula
- Die Mini-Röhren-Revolution! Nutube-Pedale: Ohmless Pedals
- Guitar Guru: Ibanez & Fender
- Vintage Guitar Stories! 1966 Epiphone Casino